Friday, 23 December 2011

Festive, Day 1

My plan today was to get in as many miles as possible in the conditions we have got.

I managed to forget to turn on my garmin 500, not once but TWICE during the ride and lost a few km`s. DOH!

Anyway I`m still pleased with 142km`s (which inncedently placed me eigth place on the Strava leaderboard, and 1km more than my boss. HA! ) done with an agonising average speed of 20.6 km/h.

I had a lot of different types of weather and winds, but the section between Høvåg and lillesand was just sheet ice. I stopped the bike to take a picture and it was pretty much imposable to walk. I`ve got to say that Schwalbe marathon winter studded tyres are simply brilliant.

After the long(ish) climb from Birkeland, the temperature dropped and I was faced with thick fog and some rain. The trip down to Vennesla was also a slow one because the road was packed with ice and a brown dry slush on top, making me drift all over the show.

Here are some pictures I took today and a little video.

Here in Norway we celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve.

Well I`m a Britt and call Norwegian Christmas legal child abuse. The reason for this is in the UK the kids get up in the morning and open parcels straight away. Over here in Norway they have to endure the fact that the parcels are under the tree all frigin day. We will go over to the in-laws at 13.00 and eat rice pudding, try to find a Mandel and win a marzipan pig (weird ehh? ).

After this, we rush home and I will make Christmas dinner, which isn`t served until 18.00 and only after were are all tidied up, are the kids allowed open their pressies...... Like I said, child abuse.

What this means from a festive 500 perspective will be another early morning where I will ride as many km`s as i can before we go over to the in-laws. Probably somewhere between 40-50.....

Strava ride log is HERE

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